You used to be a beacon of hope. Now they only know you as the failure, the Unchosen. Will you rise above them? Will you become better or far worse than they could ever imagine?

Disenchanted is an interactive fiction novel that takes place in the hidden supernatural society of the modern world.

They found you living half in an orphanage and half on the streets of New York at the age of ten. The Oracle said you were the Chosen One, destined to defeat a great evil that is yet to arrive. Arrive it does, however, in your early childhood.

They called them the Phantom, a plague on the supernatural community, a politician gone mad.

The pressure is on as you begin your education at the New York Boarding School for Arcane Arts. Yet, as the prophecies start, you fail again and again.

Cameron Fletcher does not.

They are hailed a hero, and you are nothing. Not valuable enough to remain with your foster family, not worthless enough to toss back to the mortals.

You're normal. Maybe worse than normal, what with your history. You're Unchosen.

  • Create your character. Customize gender, pronouns, appearance, skills, and personality.
  • Choose how you feel towards your peers and former loved ones.
  • Romance any of the ten options (one female, one male, and eight gender selectable) including the poly routes.
  • Choose your species. Options include Nephilim, Cambion, Siren, Banshee, Basilisk, Draca, or Sorcerer.
  • Decide on your magical specialties.

Lucia/Lucien "Luci" Rivera (Nephilim)(she/her or he/him), your ex-best friend. You used to live with their family before everything that happened. They ditched you when it became the popular thing to do. Are you bitter?

Penelope Eliades (Siren)(she/her), a student from the Mediterranean. She seems nice and is lovely to listen to, but she has fangs for a reason. This one shouldn't be crossed under any circumstances.

Cameron Fletcher (Sorcerer)(she/her, he/him, or they/them), the new Chosen One. Talented, charming, and everything you couldn't be. Are they actually nice or just condescending? You can't tell.

Viktor Orlov (Draca)(he/him), your best friend. The only one that stayed by your side after your disgrace, their family let you couch surf when the Riveras kicked you out.

Harlow Mitchell (Banshee)(she/they or he/they), the child of the Oracle who condemned you to a life in the supernatural world. You don't know if they're just bitter that you disgraced their mother's reputation or if you just annoy them in general.

Amrita/Amrit "Ami" Singh (Nephilim)(she/her or he/him), another student at your college who comes from a long line of Nephilim on their father’s side. Set up for political office, but is generally against the idea.

Theodora/Theodore "Theo" Parker (Cambion)(she/her or he/him), they are quite possibly Cameron Fletcher's least favorite person in the world. Theo is top of their class, and many would consider them the Chosen One’s rival. They also happen to be your roommate in university.

Charlotte/Charles "Charlie" Ortiz (Basilisk)(she/her or he/him), a fellow student who works at the campus bookstore and is in a few of your classes. Very hot, very kind, and you find a dead body together. Uh oh.

Avery Monroe (Sorcerer)(she/her or he/him), the Phantom. Disappeared six years ago. Were they truly mad in their lust for power as the world claimed, or was there a reason behind their vendetta against the magical government?

??? (Wraith)(she/they or he/they), they are following you. They are in your home, in your head, and you cannot escape.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(349 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction
TagsHorror, supernatural, urban-fantasy

Development log


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What a shame 😭😭 I need more Viktor! I MUST marry him asap!! This is so good, everything is perfect. The plot is quite special and intriguing, the characters are all so different and well-written that they feel alive, the range of choices are quite nice too. Everything is just my cup of tea, I need more 😔🙏


It's so great!!! I hope it'll update soon


It's a shame this seems abandoned; the mystery of the murder really caught my attention, and the idea of a university for magical people is fun to think about.


One of the best IF that I've ever read. Can wait for more :P


This is AMAZING!! Can’t wait for this to update.😋


Is this game dead? It's almost been a year no update :(


it might be :((


It has not been dropped, Dakota is writing more than one story and I don't remember the specifics as it has been awhile but I think there were some computer issues and maybe a hole in the wall .  Dakota also updates pretty frequently on tumblr. 


I like this a lot, the story is enticing, and I'm unsure if this is still being worked on but if it is i can't wait to see what future chapters bring.


I cant wait for this to come back


Has it been discontinued? Without putting pressure or anything, it's just because there wasn't that long of a delay from chapter 2,1 to chapter 2,2. I also didn't see anything on any social media, I'm just curious. and i love this game btw


No, the author is still working on this project, they're working on the finishing touches of chapter three right now. They just also have some seriously bad luck.


ok then. thank you for replying :)


why is there a dislike on this 😭


call me stupid, I really thought it was a reference to the song "Disenchanted" by MCR


I misread it at first xD clicked fast


I was just wondering if I could get a physical, and personality description of the romance interests. I have recently gotten into documenting different interactive fiction's characters and my Mc's for no reason and was confused when I couldn't really find anything in the demo or on the tumblr. It's okay if you want to keep it private though.


I saw pictures of all ROs on Tumblr.


I really like the story, the potential and the characters, hope for a continuation. Its really good but not great for two reasons.

1: Pacing is a bit slow and the MC is a passive character that gets pushed around by plot, not really active and doing anything.

2: As for characters I would say there's too many romance interests and unnecessary main characters like its a tv show.

You don't need 3 best friend characters which adds up to 10 romance interests, way too much and slows down story significantly.

As for the writing I like the drama and angst involved but the MC needs to be more proactive, the romance is slow and on the weaker side and the characters are nice but focuses more on quantity over quality and depth.

I do appreciate gender chooseable ROs although not sure why Viktor is locked as a guy alone, as for poly route its a nice addition and there should be more options.


I really like this game and I love the fact I can have Theo and Viktor both in poly <3 thou do like Lucien and wraith I am curious about them


keep getting an "error: too much recursion" ,on chrome,firefox and when installed on the app :( on chapter 2 when speaking about going to the weekend of welcome 

(3 edits) (+6)(-2)

Loving this. So a dragon, angel, and demon fall asleep in bed together... Theo/Mc/Viktor poly is the way to go! Viktor waking up to both clinging to him was so adorable. My heart. <3       

Also curious to see in the future if there's a Luci/Cameron/MC poly to. xD


Let's go


if I was the mc I just might have gone apeshit. Props to em' for pushing through with college because honestly godamn imagine having campaigns to have you thrown out of school????


I just love it! I love the MC and the NPCs, I love the story, I love the macabre vibe, the angst!!! Chef's kiss! 


Really loving the story so far :)


Them💕. Just. Them😭.  Veo or Thiktor anyone? 


A wide array of charming characters, and an intriguing story that I'm excited to see where it goes next. Mood and atmosphere is set superbly, and emotions are so well induced that you really feel a part of the story. The character customisation really shines in the behaviour choices, really personalising the protagonist to the player's liking, which further immerses them into the story. I have to say though, while there are not MANY, there are quite a few grammatical and spelling errors that could use fixing. 


Love it, such a detailed story so far.


Will there be light mode?

Holy crap im inlove this is so amazing i cant wait to see what else is to come thank you you're amazing ! Great job :)


The update is everything i wanted. Omg the dread of facing an ex that was so real and raw. Just wonderful 😭♥️

(1 edit) (+3)

Theodore is so precious 😭


I love the story so much! theo and viktor have my heart rn

question: i noticed a couple of errors (minor spelling/grammar stuff and one instance where it seemed like a code error with one of the choices). do you have any way for us to submit these to you (like a tag on tumblr or a form etc.) or is this more of a thing where we should ignore them for now?

anyways, really looking forward to where this goes!

(and btw I love fallen lights too! haven't gotten around to your other IFs yet but I probably should, lol)

an update??????????w

please i need moreeeee i love this


ahhh i need to know what happens next!


I swear I read something similar before. Is this a sequel or a rewrite? Either way I'm loving it. 


You might be thinking of "the one chosen" over on choices. Also loving this one tho

I thought so. Did you write that one as well?


UGH WHYYY. what with the cliffhanger!! 😭

(1 edit)

Going to come out of my lurking here to say how much I love this game/story and to report a small error I run into the second chapter. 

First of all, as I said I love the story so much! I love the plot (it's so original and funny enough I love the idea of playing as a "unchosen" one), the writing is great and I like all the options given to our characther. I love the fact that we can choose our species. And the characthers! Let me say I have never switched of RO so fast: I went in planning to romance Lucia/Lucien, but by the end of the first chapter Theo and Viktor had completely won me over and I couldnt be happier to see that there was a poly router for them. I mean, i'm still planing to create a second MC to romance Luci (and maybe even more for other RO's) tho, but I completely fell in love with those two.

Unfortunately, I run into an error at the beggining of the second chapter when choosing the option below that doesn't allow me to keep reading:

I don't know if this its the appropoate place to report this, and If that's the case then I apologize.  Also, english it's not my first language so I also apologize for any possible error!

Definetly keeping an eye on the story!


Hello! I’m so glad you like the story. Unfortunately that’s not an error with the game but typically an error with the browser/storage of your device.

Oh didn't know that, sorry for the bother!


Im so sorry Harlow. I know you've probably been through a lot lately. But wtf???? That is not how you start a conversation. And on top of that Viktor's gonna flip when he realizes MC is gone. Amazing update as usual. Looking forward to the next. 


Well jesus Harlow like my MC doesn't have enough shit going on already 🙄 this was so good. And you said the next update is tomorrow. How u spoil is. Tho lord knows how I'm gonna choose a RO route with characters written so well. Makes it super difficult tho Theo is a frontrunner so far. And who am i kidding I'm probably gonna wanna romance everyone that hates me and the voice in mc's head 😅🤣


that was said a day ago, so I'm guessing this IS the update. sorry to burst that bubble.


Man I always love cliffhanger 😭

Joke aside, I really love the update and as usual I can't wait to see more of this.


Wooow I love it ! Do we know if the next update is on work ? ^

(1 edit) (+3)

The next public update is actually tomorrow at 8pm EST!


Oh great ! :3


this is beautiful!


for anyone wondering these are the poly routes :

*Poly Routes are Viktor/Theo, Cameron/Luci, Viktor/Luci, Cameron/Avery, Charlie/Avery, Cameron/Theo, Cameron/Viktor, ???/Harlow


Thank you :') so happy to hear I don't have to ditch/friendzone Viktor when wanting to see other romance option playthroughs, or at least the other ones I was interested in, I love him too much


Oh thanks ! A little close friend x Me x Hurtful ex is great !


Whoa, alright, I sprinted through the first chapter in a delighted frenzy. So far, my favorite character is Theo, with her spunk and irreverence. Vik is a very reassuring character. And I'm looking forward to learning more about that other Siren, whose name has already slipped my mind— but not for lack of interest! There were just so many names to remember, so many characters with unique profiles. Ack, this is great! Happily anticipating updates to come~ ^^

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